Getting Candidate Attention

Getting Candidate Attention

The current job market features low unemployment plus high demand for skilled and professional talent across almost all industry sectors. It is an apparently contradictory morass that we are wading through in the dark.

Current job market

There are a lot of talented people in the market, including those recently laid off in the tech sector. One of the biggest impacts from the tech layoffs is that folks are much more open to the notion that there are great tech opportunities outside of tech, per se.
The persistent problem companies are having (and had before now) is really about getting the attention of potential candidates. Also, once you get their attention, how do you keep it?

How to keep attention

First, the vast majority of job ads are blah.  Really, really blah.  The kind of blah that cannot get dressed up enough to attract readers, much less compel candidates to take some action such as applying for an opportunity.  It is not wrong to list the core responsibilities and desired qualifications for a job BUT the description needs to communicate why the position matters to the organization.  Candidates want to know that their work matters and that the company recognizes it.  Making it clear to candidates that their work and time are valuable is an inexpensive way to stand out from everyone else competing with you in the talent market.

Job descriptions

Another point regarding descriptions: responsibilities and qualifications won’t do much to compel action.  Even mega-brand name companies struggle with that.  If you want action, you must tell a story that attracts people who want to be a part of something bigger, more interesting or more exciting.  Telling an attractive story will improve the quality and quantity of your candidate flow.


Second, the inconsistent and often disorganized communications from recruiters to candidates is a very poor way to build rapport.  The lack of personalized communication is a huge disconnect.  Why are companies not addressing this effectively?  It likely comes down to companies pushing to automate everything, including those critical interactions that really need a human touch.  You cannot build much rapport with candidates through a series of emails, texts and formal notices.  There needs to be human interaction – a name, a voice and a message that puts a face on the company.  There needs to be a cadence, too, not a prolonged gap in communication.


If you want attention from candidates, give them attention first and give them attention consistently.  The cadence of communication is a systemic problem with hiring companies.  The fact is that candidates do not need their hands held on a daily basis.  What they do need is for hiring companies to set reasonable expectations for next steps, feedback and results…and then meet those expectations!  Neglecting the effort to meet expectations is a killer.


A final word on expectations: you can either set them up front or candidates will set them by default.  It is much easier to meet expectations that you set instead of trying to meet the ones of which you are not aware

One of the most critical levers you have as a hiring team is the rapport you build by setting and meeting expectations.  Even if the news or feedback you deliver is bad or unpleasant, the fact that you made the effort and took the time to interact professionally and compassionately with a candidate can make a huge difference in your company’s reputation and talent-attraction results.

Delivering results is what SBR2TH is built to do.  If you need to improve the quality of hire and time to fill for critical positions in tech, grab a time on this CALENDAR LINK to schedule an introductory conversation.

Let us help you find the right candidate for your organization.

At SBR2TH, we improve the quality of hire and speed up the time to fill specialized ML, Data Engineering, Data Science, and Developer talent, stretching tech recruiting budgets further. Click the book a meeting link below to find out more.